poniedziałek, 16 października 2017

Topic; Dinosaur bone with soft tissue

My topic for this semester will be archaeology. I will be writing about interesting stuff, that was found all over the world.

In 2005 Mary Schweitzer and her crew dug up a dinosaur bone in Montana in USA. It wouldn't be anything new, if the bone didn't have soft tissue inside. Soft tissue is the first to decay after human or animal dies. Of course the bone was not filled up with blood or medulla. Mary saw something that looked like red cells in it. After studying it with microscope (see picture), Mary could happily announce her colleagues that she found a bone with soft tissue inside. As dinosaurs are believed to lived millions of years ago, it was astonishing discovery. Soft tissue can't survive that much time in normal conditions. Mary led long studies on how it could happen. It could be predicted, that they failed. Some people say iron from animal body could preserve blood cells. On the second hand, this discovery perfectly fits young Earth creationists point of view. Unfortunately, we will probably never know the truth behind this controversial discovery.

8 komentarzy:

  1. How does it prove the Young Earth theory? There are scientific ways of dating fossils and, if it was really a dinosaur, the bones would be some millions years old.
    I'm glad you managed to write this post in spite of our conversation earlier today.
    Put the LINKs to your sources below the post!

    1. It doesn't prove anything, but I wrote, that it isn't suprising for young Earth Creationsts, who believe dinosaurs lived a few thousands years ago. There is only one scientific method of dating fossils, but is hardly ever used. All fossils are dated based on layer in which they were found. It is dionosaur bone and I didn't mention its age.

  2. Meanwhile I've read a few articles about this discovery and found out that:
    1. scientists have worked out how it was possible for some form of soft tissue to survive millions of years (iron played a role in preserving it)
    2. May Schweitzer was appalled at how creationists twisted her findings and, being a devout Christian herself, has often protested against using her findings to support the Young Earth theory.

    1. Yes, iron is one option as I wrote in the post.
      I think everyone can interprete facts however he wants. Interpreting this very discovery as prove for young Earth theory is nothing comparing to considering tailbone as prove for evolution theory.
      Mary's believes shouldn't play any role here.
      I also wanted to stress that this bone(and any other) can't prove a thing.

  3. It is a pity that we don't know the truth. Generally a very interesting phenomenon.

  4. Maby it was some species of dinosaur that lived only few thousand years ago? Though it is very unlikely I think it is not impossible. Lets hope they will carry on with all the studies and finally find out how it was preserved for so long.

    1. Good point, although classical archaeology teaches, that all dinosaurs extincted 65 millions years ago.
