poniedziałek, 27 listopada 2017

The Great Pyramid of Giza

The Great Pyramid is situated in Giza. It was built around two and a half thousands years before Christ as a tomb for pharaoh Khufu. Egyptologists say, that it was build over 10 to 20 years period. Builders of the pyramid used approximately 2,300.000 stone blocks weighting from 2 to 50 tons. By doing simple maths we get one stone block added to the construction every five minutes. That's impressive taking into account, that (probably not all) blocks match each other so precisely, that you cannot put anything between two. You also won't find any similar ones.
Second fun fact about The Great Pyramid applies to the number of its side walls. Many people think there are four while, in fact, each side wall is sunken a little bit. It is clearly visible during sunrise on spring and autumn equinox. You can observe it on attached images.

Znalezione obrazy dla zapytania pyramid has 8 sidesZnalezione obrazy dla zapytania 8 walls of the pyramid

Thanks for reading, I hope it interested you. 

poniedziałek, 20 listopada 2017

Roman empire or Christopher Columbus?

A shocking discovery has been made about year ago on Oak Island, on the south of Canada. A group of scientists found items, that might have once belonged to Romans. A sword, coins, a whistle, part of a shield and head sculpture are objects,that question our knowledge about history and Roman empire. Findings listed above laid in shipwreck, near the coast for some time and historians believe they are evidence, that Romans crossed Atlantic Ocean before Christopher Columbus.
Researches were led by Jovan Hutton Pulitzer. "I began my forensic work into it using XRF analyser, which is leading archaeological tool for analysing metals", said Pulitzer. He compared sword found in shipwreck to verified Roman sword. It has the same arsenic and lead signature in it. "We've been able to test this sword against another one like it and it matches", he claimed. Jovan and his crew are sure, that the sword and other findings are Roman. 

Thanks for reading. You can find out more about this here and here. There are also interesting quotes from Jovan Pulitzer, who talks about political and religious aspects of this controversial discovery.

poniedziałek, 13 listopada 2017

New discovery in Giza

New studies show, that we don't know everything about pyramids, yet. Researches led by Kunihiro Morishima from Nagoya University were conducted for two years. Few weeks ago, his crew announced, that they have found 100m wide void inside of the Great Pyramid in Giza. Void is situated above the Grand Gallery. As you can see on the picture below, it may be horizontal or parallel to the Grand Gallery. 
This void was spotted after observation of muons inside the structure. These are small particles, similar to electrons. They shower our planet constantly. Scientist can observe their traces using specialized devices. They pass more easily through empty space than through solid. After observing muons, scientists couldn't draw any other conclusion - there is empty space in the pyramid.
This is probably most shocking discovery since XIX century. What is the purpose of the empty space? What else is there to be discovered about pyramids? These are the questions without any so desired answer. 

Source: Nature.com

sobota, 4 listopada 2017

Nazca spider

I heard, that there is a very rare spider, about 3 mm wide, found in Amazon jungle. It is supposedly blind and during mating season its leg grows in length and exchanges DNA with the spider's partner. I searched whole internet searching for proof, that this spider exists. Ineffectively. Actually there is one, very interesting spider without eyes, but was found somewhere else and isn't that small. I also couldn't find any information about its mating. Spider drawn on ground in Nazca(see picture) has no eyes and one of its legs is longer than the rest. I promised in my last post, that I will reveal, why this drawing is interesting, but I don't have much verified information so I share with you idea, why this could be interesting. Of course this idea says, that Nazca people knew about this extremely rare spider even though it lives many kilometers away from them.
Znalezione obrazy dla zapytania nazca spiderZnalezione obrazy dla zapytania rincinuei
I am very unhappy, because of lack of facts in this post.I personally believe what I heard so I hope Wikipedia or another page will write about rincinuei.