poniedziałek, 20 listopada 2017

Roman empire or Christopher Columbus?

A shocking discovery has been made about year ago on Oak Island, on the south of Canada. A group of scientists found items, that might have once belonged to Romans. A sword, coins, a whistle, part of a shield and head sculpture are objects,that question our knowledge about history and Roman empire. Findings listed above laid in shipwreck, near the coast for some time and historians believe they are evidence, that Romans crossed Atlantic Ocean before Christopher Columbus.
Researches were led by Jovan Hutton Pulitzer. "I began my forensic work into it using XRF analyser, which is leading archaeological tool for analysing metals", said Pulitzer. He compared sword found in shipwreck to verified Roman sword. It has the same arsenic and lead signature in it. "We've been able to test this sword against another one like it and it matches", he claimed. Jovan and his crew are sure, that the sword and other findings are Roman. 

Thanks for reading. You can find out more about this here and here. There are also interesting quotes from Jovan Pulitzer, who talks about political and religious aspects of this controversial discovery.

1 komentarz:

  1. Isn't it possible that some genuine Roman items were carried to America on a ship in the 16th century? Maybe a family heirloom of one of the sailors?
    Is the shipwreck dated too? The origin of the ship should be more meaningful here than the origin of the items.
