poniedziałek, 11 grudnia 2017

The Great Pyramid of Giza - construction

Construction of the pyramids is a big mystery and there are plenty of theories concerning possible options. Egyptians probably used ramps. It seems as the most efficient way to carry huge, heavy limestone blocks up the structure of pyramid. Here are two possibilities, because ramp could be straight and lead towards the construction from some meters away, depending on the angle between ground and surface of the ramp, or it could be spiral. First option would need much more material, what makes spiral ramp better option.
Jean-Pierre, came up with an idea, that made him respected and known person between archaeologists. He created a model of internal ramp running inside of the Great Pyramid. It happened so, that it doesn't interfere with any room nor any passageway. According to him, the ramp  is still there for 4 thousands of years and old, considered useless for many years, density research show low density where the ramp would be.

Znalezione obrazy dla zapytania jean pierre pyramid internal ramp
Znalezione obrazy dla zapytania jean pierre pyramid internal ramp
Low density spiral shape

Thanks for reading. I will be grateful for telling me if you would like me to continue writing about pyramids. There is much to write about them and there are many other topics.

niedziela, 3 grudnia 2017

Nazca spider (second part)

Today I will move to biology for second time, because I finally can write full description of a spider, that could have been drawn in Nazca. My post, which you can read here, partially did it, actually. This one will be about spider genus from the family of Salticidae (jumping spiders). It's name is maratus and was discovered in 1878. Arachnids from this genus are usually referred as peacock spiders due to males' colorful patterns on top(see picture). None of them is bigger than 1cm. Every representative male of the species has enlarged third pair of legs. He uses them to attract his potential partner during display, which lasts several minutes. All species except one are native to Australia. Most of them have eyes, though. Nazca people's awareness of those spiders would indicate their wide knowledge about biology. Picture below, showing man looking through something that appears to be glass, could eventually explain it. This stone comes from nowhere else than Peru. 
MalePeacockSpider.jpgZnalezione obrazy dla zapytania nazca spider