poniedziałek, 19 marca 2018


I recently watched a video titled "Tree of life". It shows evolution of animals on Earth from a single cell. This interesting animation was narrated by David Attenborough.
In the beginning we hear "modern genetics has confirmed[Darwin's theory's]fundamental truth". This magic sentence is supposed to turn imagination into science, although narrator doesn't say what did exactly prove the evolution theory. Afterwards, we can see animals doing what they can't do nowadays- developing new features (adding new information to the DNA code). The presentation ends with mammals' origin and summary from David Attenborough. 
I don't recommend this video, because it isn't supported by any scientific research. Also, developing new feature wasn't observed for thousands of years and this clip shows this happening all the time in the past, which is illogical. 

niedziela, 11 marca 2018

Would I like to work in Mandarin Oriental Hotel?

I would like to work in Mandarin Oriental, because it is place, where I can spend good time and learn a lot. I consider working in such hotel a great opportunity to meet interesting people and master my English language. Living in such beautiful city with big opportunities like London is a big advantage, too. Mandarin Oriental seems as a perfect hotel for people, who like cooperating with others and want to widen their horizons.

niedziela, 4 marca 2018

Is it possible, that we will stop being a throwaway society?

There is a minor chance for people to stop being a throwaway society. It can't be an instant switch from wasting and destroying our environment to disposing wisely every gram of natural resources. People will slowly realise, that they run out of petrol or water or something useful and maintain their habits to those changes. So we may stop being a throwaway society in future, but with serious problem, that will motivate us to do so.