niedziela, 4 marca 2018

Is it possible, that we will stop being a throwaway society?

There is a minor chance for people to stop being a throwaway society. It can't be an instant switch from wasting and destroying our environment to disposing wisely every gram of natural resources. People will slowly realise, that they run out of petrol or water or something useful and maintain their habits to those changes. So we may stop being a throwaway society in future, but with serious problem, that will motivate us to do so.

1 komentarz:

  1. There are unclear parts in your paragraph:
    1 "maintain their habits to those changes" - 'maintain'=no change; did you mean "adapt"?
    2 "with serious problem, that will motivate us to do so" - 'with' can mean all sorts of things; did you mean "as a result of" or "in response to"?
