niedziela, 24 marca 2019

Video 5

The video I watched is about unusual pool table which has amzing property. The table is eliptical and therefore has two focus points. On one focus point there is a pocket. According to math, if you place the cue ball on the second focus point and hit it in whatever direction you choose, it will always go into the pocket. This short clip presents this property in the real world and make me want to buy such table.

If you throw a ball at wall with not so much force it will barely rebound.
Manufacture of soda cans isn't expensive.
I don't want to imagine how things would happen if he did't tell her about it.

sobota, 9 marca 2019

Video 4

I watched a video about transcendental numbers. It explains what are they. The clip was very interesting, amusing and full of usefeful informations. The guy in the video, apart from explaining the nature of transcendental numbers, shows examples of them and says how they differ from algebraic numbers. My favourite part was information on how some famous numbers like pi or e were proven to be transcendental.

I told him all about my transcendental experience.
Commentary he gave was trivial and dull.
I suspect the whole incident was phony from the beginning.

sobota, 2 marca 2019

Video 3

In this video a mathematician talks about an interesting number sequence. He first explains the way it works and then tells why it is so amusing. To not spoil the fun of watching the clip, I'll only say, that it has some human-like features, which bring goosebumps to some, who study it. The video may reveal the beauty of sequences to those who doubt it.

Because the film was spooky, I didn't like it.
With each iteration I felt more uncomfortable.
I enjoy watching a spider weave its net.

poniedziałek, 25 lutego 2019

Video 2

In the video I watched, Bob Mortimer told a story about unusual advice from Chris Rea. Bob, who is a great comedian, explains, that Chris once prepared a bath with an egg cracked in it. Allegedly, Bob does crack an egg in his bath ever since. At the end, people from opposite team try to assess the geunuineness of this strange claim and, to my suprise, fail. Unordinary stories like this one make this show fun to watch.

I recommend this cream for aching muscles.
Presumably you weren't tired.
Sugar and salt dissipate in water.

piątek, 22 lutego 2019

Video 1

In the video, one of contestants of the panel show stated, that he was invited to the royal wedding, but could not come there. The opposite team had to guess whether he was telling the truth. The opposite team is allowed to ask qustions to find a loophole in the story. The investigation was kept in a humorous atmosphere. In the end the person who was telling the story revealed the truth.

Mike Tyson was bruised after the fight he lost.
I hate that you always have to through the rigmarole every time you travel by plane.
A dog was lying on the pit of the hole.

wtorek, 18 grudnia 2018


There was a mouse, which made fun of a cat
Of course, the cat did not like that
In addition to that information
The mouse eventually ended cat's starvation
Now cat's happy, because the mouse was fat

wtorek, 20 listopada 2018

Reflection 7

Anniversary of Polish independance and patriotism, that many people show at this time, makes me reflect on patriotsm's influence each year. My initial thought, is that it divides people. We shouldn't stress the differences in nationality. Everybody is related after all. On the other hand, patriotism probably unites inhabitants of the country. I think, that finding the balance is the key.