niedziela, 24 marca 2019

Video 5

The video I watched is about unusual pool table which has amzing property. The table is eliptical and therefore has two focus points. On one focus point there is a pocket. According to math, if you place the cue ball on the second focus point and hit it in whatever direction you choose, it will always go into the pocket. This short clip presents this property in the real world and make me want to buy such table.

If you throw a ball at wall with not so much force it will barely rebound.
Manufacture of soda cans isn't expensive.
I don't want to imagine how things would happen if he did't tell her about it.

1 komentarz:

  1. I'm not quite sure I understand the purpose of such a table. It's certainly interesting, if not ingenious, in theoretical terms but why buy it?
