środa, 21 lutego 2018

Why in the age of science do people believe in supernatural things?

People believe in supernatural things, usually because of lack of intelligence or shallow knowledge in particular area. Natural world has been described with observations and experiments and there is no need to add anything to it. However, some people try to modify their environment and insert beliefs out of clear blue sky. Those include ghosts, lucky talismans, ability to predict future and many more strange things. It's not good idea to trust something which you can't prove. The only rational supernatural thing to believe in is God, because we haven't come up with natural explanation, that doesn't omit several laws of science,  how world got to the present state. People don't know something or are unsatisfied with natural explanation and therefore come up with supernatural one.

niedziela, 18 lutego 2018

Who or what is to be blamed for modern epidemic of obesity?

It's hard to choose the main cause for epidemic of obesity in modern world, but parents play a huge role in this wide-spread problem. They give bad example for their kids in case of diet and healthy eating. Additionally, they often take their children to fast food restaurants instead of preparing nutritional dish. People rarely change their habits from the past and there is no exception in diet. As a result, there are many grown-ups who eat unhealthy, just like they did when they were young. I am awere there can be little time or energy to feed kids properly, but it's worth it, for their sake.

czwartek, 8 lutego 2018

Should people spend money on space exploration?

People shouldn't spend money on space exploration, because it can be spent on something more important. All, that is required to explore cosmos, costs a lot and the ones, that are funding it, are tax-payers. This money could be used instead to lower social differences or support studies on biology, for instance. The only reason I can think of for space exploration is seeking for another Earth-like planet. This can be tough task, though. Planets made of rock, with water, circular orbit, magnetic field, comfortable temperature and gravity are pretty rare. Summarising, space exploration shouldn't be our priority as there are people in need around us. We can waste much time and energy in vain after all.