środa, 21 lutego 2018

Why in the age of science do people believe in supernatural things?

People believe in supernatural things, usually because of lack of intelligence or shallow knowledge in particular area. Natural world has been described with observations and experiments and there is no need to add anything to it. However, some people try to modify their environment and insert beliefs out of clear blue sky. Those include ghosts, lucky talismans, ability to predict future and many more strange things. It's not good idea to trust something which you can't prove. The only rational supernatural thing to believe in is God, because we haven't come up with natural explanation, that doesn't omit several laws of science,  how world got to the present state. People don't know something or are unsatisfied with natural explanation and therefore come up with supernatural one.

5 komentarzy:

  1. Isn't people's belief in God also a case of their /our insufficient knowledge about the universe, knowledge which we just haven't yet gained? In what way is the belief in God rational?

    1. We don't know everything about universe, but some things(like origin of DNA code) can't be possibly explained without mentioning God. Just like you can't explain origin of a poem without mentioning human. Belief in God is rational, because gives more answers than science in many fields. These are few of them: How do we tell right from wrong? How stars were formed? How elements heavier than iron were formed? Why people have interest in maths since it doesn't help them survive? Why several planets, moons and galaxys spin in opposite direction to the rest? Where did space, time and energy come from?
      Big bang theory and evolution don't explain any of them.

    2. I think it's choice between believing in higher force or believing that yet unanswered questions will be finally answered

  2. Are you suggesting, for instance, that people who don't believe in God (atheists or ancient Greeks) have no morality and can't tell right from wrong? This would indeed be a rather extraordinary claim.

    1. No, of course I don't. In advance, atheists can be better people than theists. What I mean, is that if God doesn't exist and evolution is true, our moral standards have a doubtful source(maybe majority opinion).
