czwartek, 8 lutego 2018

Should people spend money on space exploration?

People shouldn't spend money on space exploration, because it can be spent on something more important. All, that is required to explore cosmos, costs a lot and the ones, that are funding it, are tax-payers. This money could be used instead to lower social differences or support studies on biology, for instance. The only reason I can think of for space exploration is seeking for another Earth-like planet. This can be tough task, though. Planets made of rock, with water, circular orbit, magnetic field, comfortable temperature and gravity are pretty rare. Summarising, space exploration shouldn't be our priority as there are people in need around us. We can waste much time and energy in vain after all.

1 komentarz:

  1. In such a short paragraph, this part is off topic unless you make it clearly relevant - "The only reason I can think of for space exploration is seeking for another Earth-like planet. This can be tough task, though. Planets made of rock, with water, circular orbit, magnetic field, comfortable temperature and gravity are pretty rare. "
    The last two sentences should be merged into one concluding sentence.
