niedziela, 9 września 2018

Reflection 1

Recently, I was a witness to a situation, that made me think about human relations. I was casually looking through a car window, when I saw a car, that had just hit another one. They weren't going fast so it wasn't dangerous and the only effect could be a scratch. As me and my dad were coming closer to these vehicles, we could hear two drivers having loud and tense conversation. Woman, whose car was hit, yelled and insulted her interlocutor, who obviously didn't drive into her on purpose. I didn't observe this incident from beginning to end, but there was a better way to behave in such situation. I think, that people often lack empathy or are under stress and react so aggressively. We shouldn't be so hostile to people, because we won't solve any problems in that way.

1 komentarz:

  1. Make the description of the event shorter and focus on the reflection. Make it more developed, deeper, you can get further away from the very observation that was your starting point.
