wtorek, 25 września 2018

Reflection 2

FIFA is selecting the best footballer of the year annualy. Performance during the matches as well as trophies won with the team are taken into account. The ceremony for year 2018 was held yesterday and the first ten places were announced. Lionel Messi happend to be only 5th despite having the most goals, assists, chances created, succesful driblings and MvP awards among all players. Adding to that three trophies and only four matches lost makes his result in the plebiscite ridiculous. Can it be, that he became victim to his own greatness? It would mean, that people started to be bored of his effective means to win matches and they are no longer amazed by his outstanding skills. For sure Leo set the bar very high and he may be expected to be better and better, but everyone will agree, that any other player with such statistics would win the prize right away. This situation annoyed me even more due to the fact that Messi's play is also nice to watch for most football fans and experts. The good observation would be, that even those at the top must improve consequently to still be considered the best.

2 komentarze:

  1. I am obviously no expert but aren't Messi's statistics so good partly because of how good his whole team is? Especially the goals and assists.
    I remember watching Messi during the World Cup and he clearly wasn't his old brilliant self. Luca Modric, on the other hand, was relentless, tireless and effective.

    1. Good teammates help you score and assist, but I wouldn't say, that Messi has better ones than others. Creating chances and dribbling is also important and more expected from his position(midfielder). Statistics show, that he is the best in all of those aspects and that's what make him the best to me. On the other hand, Modric deserved the award, too.
