niedziela, 28 października 2018

Reflection 5

Two weeks ago, my history teacher said, that he likes to know history of a country he visits, because he then can understand the local people and monuments better. I found it a very good motivation to learn history more. In advance, I always had the feeling, that I should understand the surrounding world well. What made me upset was the fact, that my knowledge about the past is rather insignificant. I thought about it for some time and understood, that it's extremaly hard to, like I said, understand the surrounding world well from every perspective. Supposedly: one person knows how the house was built, second one knows how this house is built on a molecular level, third person knows the history of the same house. Each of them is ignorant about the house in a way, but it doesn't make anyone uneducated. Also, after we gain knowledge about something, we see more things to learn about it. 

niedziela, 21 października 2018

Reflection 4

Sometimes, I hear my friends complaining about math and saying it's pointless to learn it, because it's useless in real life. Well, it is very unlikely, that one will have to find the root of a certain function or check if a given sentence is tautology, during his/hers ordinary day. However, math is an universal language, which can describe the universe or make it more predictable. It turns out, that even nature follows some mathematical patterns(flowers using phi constant, for example). That's why I think everyone should understand rudimentary principles of mathematics and school system ensures it so far. Another reason to learn it is the way it develops our thinking processes and paves the way we solve problems. So having all of this in mind, I am convinced it's more favorable to teach maths in school.

poniedziałek, 1 października 2018

Reflection 3

How would world look like if there weren't any animals? - I thought one day and I started to think about it. I am very curious, if we would feel lonely without them. Also, animals may make us feel more secure. We might be unaware, that seeing them doing their job without worrying about the next day has such effect on our minds. Secondly, inventions, which were made by observing creatures and copying them, wouldn't be made. In advance, through ages, scientists tried to unveil secrets of our body by researching animals' bodies. Finally, plants cooperate with animals to create favorable conditions for us, humans.