niedziela, 28 października 2018

Reflection 5

Two weeks ago, my history teacher said, that he likes to know history of a country he visits, because he then can understand the local people and monuments better. I found it a very good motivation to learn history more. In advance, I always had the feeling, that I should understand the surrounding world well. What made me upset was the fact, that my knowledge about the past is rather insignificant. I thought about it for some time and understood, that it's extremaly hard to, like I said, understand the surrounding world well from every perspective. Supposedly: one person knows how the house was built, second one knows how this house is built on a molecular level, third person knows the history of the same house. Each of them is ignorant about the house in a way, but it doesn't make anyone uneducated. Also, after we gain knowledge about something, we see more things to learn about it. 

1 komentarz:

  1. I'm not quite certain where you're going with this reflection. Is there or isn't there any sense in learning history?
