niedziela, 21 października 2018

Reflection 4

Sometimes, I hear my friends complaining about math and saying it's pointless to learn it, because it's useless in real life. Well, it is very unlikely, that one will have to find the root of a certain function or check if a given sentence is tautology, during his/hers ordinary day. However, math is an universal language, which can describe the universe or make it more predictable. It turns out, that even nature follows some mathematical patterns(flowers using phi constant, for example). That's why I think everyone should understand rudimentary principles of mathematics and school system ensures it so far. Another reason to learn it is the way it develops our thinking processes and paves the way we solve problems. So having all of this in mind, I am convinced it's more favorable to teach maths in school.

1 komentarz:

  1. I couldn't agree more. Maths teaches intellectual discipline and logical reasoning like no other subject does.
